Due to a foot problem that I developed while growing up, I have always been very limited when choosing my footwear. At 25, it seemed obvious for me to start my own brand of trendy shoes, choosing to make comfort my priority.

Vanessa Wu. Behind this name, the creator of the eponymous brand: Vanessa Wu (to pronounce « WOU »).
From the North of France and parents who were wholesalers in shoes, Vanessa has always been immersed in this environment, but nothing predisposed her to launch her brand neither. Let’s say, almost nothing…
Indeed, Vanessa developed in her childhood a food problem, that has made her choose during years between comfort and style.
This is how at just 25, after having closely followed the family business then learning the ins and outs at Lanvin, it appeared to her as an evidence to launch her own brand of shoes (and of bags, but only for a couple of years now), by making comfort her priority but without compomising style!

Once the bases consolidated, the brand rapidly evolved and decides to change its name to finally become Vanessa Wu.
Vanessa Wu’s values are the values of Vanessa herself and those of her family. Vanessa Wu aspires thus to spread the values of tolerance, benevolence and authenticity.